First edition of the main work by Kant’s follower, Wilhelm Gottlieb Tennemann (1761–1819). The edition is complete as it stands; the two further volumes and register projected in the foreword to Volume 11 in 1819 never appeared because of Tennemann’s death in October that year.
‘After reading Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s Briefe über die kantische Philosophie, Tennemann became interested in Kant’s critical philosophy. In 1795, he became Privatdozent in Jena and, with reviews of works on the history of philosophy, he began to contribute to Niethammer’s Philosophisches Journal and to what had already become the organ of Jena Kantianism, the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung … In 1798, he was appointed extraordinary professor at Jena, and he began to publish his major work, the Geschichte der Philosophie: the work, which was inspired in its method and in its content by the philosophy of Kant … In 1829, a second edition of the first volume came out, edited by Amadeus Wendt, with notes and additions. Well-known by now for his studies on the history of philosophy, in March 1804 Tennemann was appointed by the University of Marburg to the chair that had belonged to Dieterich Tiedemann. In 1812, he summarized his major work as the Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, a work which enjoyed extraordinary success’ (Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers).